Saxophone Forum

by 52superaction
(3 posts)
20 years ago

I play...

I play on a 1952 Selmer Super Action, sn 48xxx. It is the best horn I have ever played. I have tried the new Yamahas, and Series II/III, and nothing comes close to the dark, heavy, resonating tone of my horn. This is just a post to remind everyone that newer does not necessaraly mean better. They just don't make them like they used to.

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  1. by connsaxman_jim
    (2336 posts)

    20 years ago

    Re: I play...

    Amen brother! I have a 1952 Super Balanced Action also and it's sound is silky smooth. I play a 1948 Conn 10M tenor and 1950 6M alto most of the time; but the SBA really sounds sweet on those sexy and soulfull ballads.

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