Saxophone Forum

by barisax999
(400 posts)
19 years ago

hippy sax player

all right, so this is a pathetic question i know, but im curious. i am a vegetearian hippy, and i dont agree with the use of the leather. however, saxophones use leather pads. so are there any good pads that arent made out of leather?

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  1. by brace_face
    (43 posts)

    19 years ago

    Re: hippy sax player

    heya barisax999, im pretty sure you can get cork, plastic, or synthetic pads (that dont go all smelly or moldy when they get wet!) im not intirely sure though, but yeah, thats my answer of brilliance! mmbibi stephanie

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    1. by connsaxman_jim
      (2336 posts)

      19 years ago

      Re: hippy sax player

      there are a few other options, but leather is by far the best! I would just stay with the leather pads and hug a couple more trees.... Peace! Jim

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      1. by peter090
        (155 posts)

        19 years ago

        Re: hippy sax player

        There was a guy named Jim Schmidt that made a metalized sax pad. I've never used them but I think you can still get them from musicmedic. JS pads. They are expensive and I suspect difficult to work with.

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        1. by dirk-lo
          (11 posts)

          19 years ago

          Re: hippy sax player

          I thought those just phased out right after they were introduced because they were the noisiest thing ever. Eric :-)

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        2. by The_§ax
          (147 posts)

          19 years ago

          Re: hippy sax player

          yeah i can imagine! Leather and synthetic pads make noise at it is! Metal would sound rather awful unless they had some kind of new system

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        3. by brace_face
          (43 posts)

          19 years ago

          Re: hippy sax player

          iv never actually played with a synthetic pad- how much are they, what are they like, are they easy to find?

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        4. by connsaxman_jim
          (2336 posts)

          19 years ago

          Re: hippy sax player

          In the past, they have made a few different types of pads, The most common are the felt pads, which just don't hold up very well at all. They have made vinyl pads also. Some of the cheaper horns use them, and they don't last either. It almost seems like I recall seeing rubber pads also. Sax Medic may offer some alternatives, but really, the leather pads are the best. I can understand and appreciate where you're coming from here, but i wouldn't compromise the performance of my horn, just to avoid leather pads. Just imagine that the pads came from a mean cow who busted through his fence and ran out into the road and got hit by a bus! Peace!

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        5. by barisaxguy14
          (14 posts)

          19 years ago

          Re: hippy sax player

          I just wanted to correct you jim. Most pads are made of goat skin, not cattle.

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        6. by connsaxman_jim
          (2336 posts)

          19 years ago

          Re: hippy sax player

          Some are made of goat skin, some are made from kangaroo leather, and others are still made from cows! It just depends on the quality of pad. I put white kangaroo pads on my old Conn Chu's because they're quiet. They work really well on horns with rolled tone holes.

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        7. by connsaxman_jim
          (2336 posts)

          19 years ago

          Re: hippy sax player

          Many pads are made from lamb skin also. In fact, some of the better pads are made from lamb I do believe.

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        8. by barisaxguy14
          (14 posts)

          19 years ago

          Re: hippy sax player

          I just wanted to correct you jim. Most pads are made of goat skin, not cattle.

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        9. by Spank
          (4 posts)

          19 years ago

          Re: hippy sax player

          Yeah, listen to the guy that calls a "cow" "he"..... ;-) (Just kidding), speaking of that (kid),you can use those - not necessarily "farmed", nor are Kangaroo pads farm-harvested. Of course knowing the Aussie record for conservation.....

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