Saxophone Forum

by kinavit
(4 posts)
7 years ago

Martin saxaphone

We have just inherited a Martin 1928 saxaphone serial number 87478. It has not been used for many years and would need a refurbishmen.
my question
is this a valuable instrument and is it worth having it refurbished?

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  1. by historicsaxwhisperer
    (644 posts)

    7 years ago

    Re: Martin saxaphone

    It is most likely a Martin Handcraft from ther late 1920.

    If it is an alto, valued around 500

    If it is a tenor, valued around 750-900

    If it is a C melody, 75 to 200


    It will cost around 500 to get it playing decent. You would then be lucky to get the cost of the work done. I'd put it on Ebay starting around 100 bucks and go from there. They are very common.

    If you want more specific info, you need to include some pictures.

    Good Luck

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    1. by kinavit
      (4 posts)

      7 years ago

      Re: Martin saxaphone

      Thank you, I thought I had put some pics on. Sorry

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    2. by kinavit
      (4 posts)

      7 years ago

      Re: Martin saxaphone

      Thank you, I thought I had put some pics on. Sorry

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      1. by historicsaxwhisperer
        (644 posts)

        7 years ago

        Re: Martin saxaphone

        It looks to be an Alto. It probably has an A above where it says low pitch. It does have a front F key, which is a plus.

        The writing above the thumb rest is unique. What does it say? This is not common.

        These can go in the 750 plus if it is playable and does not need a lot of work.

        Good Luck.

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        1. by kinavit
          (4 posts)

          7 years ago

          Re: Martin saxaphone

          cant see any letter A above the low pitch and the wording above the thumb I believe is the name and address of the London seller 

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