Saxophone Forum

by historicsaxwhisperer
(644 posts)
7 years ago

Conn New Wonder Series 1 C Melody neck variations

I have been refurbishing old carcass Conn saxophones since 1994. I am a hobbyist and I always seem to be drawn to the old Conns. In my hobby endeavors, I keep seeing variations of the curved neck C melodys, or should I say the use of the curved neck.

I use to think the straight neck came into "Fashion" at or around the introduction of the rolled tone holes. My years of experience proves this is wrong. It seems the curved neck and the straight neck were "interchangeable" for a few years after the introduction of the tuneable straight neck. After The M series, the straoight neck seems to be the norm.

 Just look into the museum here on this site for examples of the variations.

Serial 47881 Gold plated portrait model, straight toneholes, straight neck

Serial 81008 Rolles Toneholes straight neck

Serial 92011 Rare Black Lacquered, Rolled Toneholes Curved neck with brace

One of my personal horns

Serial 58765 Straight toneholes, curved neck without brace


The necks never have the serial numbers engraved, it is possible any of the above could have a replacement neck that was the correct finish. Does anyone with years of experience of these old horns have any further info or observations?


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