Saxophone Forum

by jwisner
(2 posts)
7 years ago

1929 Martin Handcraft Alto - parts?!?

I'm looking for anyone out there who has a few parts to spare for a 1929 Martin Handcraft Alto (gold-plate). I need the entire neck receiver assembly.

Send me a message if you have anything you can part with or if you have a lead to someone who does!



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  1. by historicsaxwhisperer
    (644 posts)

    7 years ago

    Re: 1929 Martin Handcraft Alto - parts?!?

    Martin made many many many stencil horns.

    I think the neck receiver for any of these will fit your handcraft. You can find such horns on ebay for less than 150 bucks almost any day.

    I myself would get a silver horn, make sure its right, have the work done, then spot plate the gold.


     I do have the part in silverplate. I do not have a neck for this part horn.

    Good Luck

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    1. by jwisner
      (2 posts)

      7 years ago

      Re: 1929 Martin Handcraft Alto - parts?!?

      Thanks for the tip! I found a 1930 Handcraft in silver recently but didn't win the auction.


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  2. by yonysatur
    (10 posts)

    6 years ago

    Re: 1929 Martin Handcraft Alto - parts?!?

    You should write to mendel sax at mendelhorns@yahoo. This gentleman is a genious. If he don,t have it he will make it perfect.

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