Saxophone Forum

by mason
(1 post)
19 years ago

Information on a Selmer Alexandre Alto Sax: Model# 2018

I am looking for some expert opinions on a Selmer Alexandre Alto Sax that is gold plated and made in Italy. It looks like it might be from the early 20's and I am curious about it's value. It is in great shape (almost unplayed condition) and is still in its original case. Any ideas?

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  1. by qwantron
    (5 posts)

    19 years ago

    Re: Information on a Selmer Alexandre Alto Sax: Model# 2018

    I was going to ask someone the same thing. I also have one in very good condition because it has been passed through a family that never played it. Was wondering if anyone could tell mason and I anything about these saxes?

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    1. by qwantron
      (5 posts)

      19 years ago

      Re: Information on a Selmer Alexandre Alto Sax: Model# 2018

      I took mine to two repair shops to have it looked at. one guy said it's worth $300-350 the other guy said it's worth about $300. I was happy because I paid 175 for it. They also said they wouldn't tune it for me because it's an inferior model and wouldn't stay in tune for long and they don't want to wast time.

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      1. by CajunSax
        (76 posts)

        19 years ago

        Re: Information on a Selmer Alexandre Alto Sax: Model# 2018

        u can't "tune" a sax - it's not like a piano or guitar where u can just give it a little twist and it gets sharper or flatter. But every sax does have it's unique harmonics...even identical make & models will sound a little different. What CAN be done is adjustments of some of the tone holes. But only limited. On every sax I play (cuz all mine are old horns) ...they all have their notes that are a little off..and I "lip" them either up or down to stay in tune (a good ear helps...and knowing your horn). I think one of you posted elsewhere about a re-pad ---just have the pads checked for leaks. if it's an eighty year old horn...i'm sure some of the leather has worn. Just make sure the pads all seal with no leaks when pressed...and make sure all the springs re-open the keys when depressed (with no sticking). So many moving parts...don't know how those repair guys do it so well.

        Reply To Post Yahoo!

        1. by qwantron
          (5 posts)

          19 years ago

          Re: Information on a Selmer Alexandre Alto Sax: Model# 2018

          ok so maybe tune isn't the right word. I am very new to the sax world. Are there any other ajustment that will affect how my horn will sound? The tech at the shop said my sax will probably just go out of ajustment soon after ajusting it. what would cause this? is there anything I can do to make it play consistanly? Any info would be greatly appretiated. Thanks

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      2. by Kohlert55
        (1 post)

        4 years ago

        Re: Information on a Selmer Alexandre Alto Sax: Model# 2018

        Hi from Tom, Sounds like you have quite a vintage saxophone. If you're new in the sax world you must be aware that technicians aren't all able to give great info. You can be lead wrong easily like a dog on a leash. If you have pad issues, you perhaps need to total rebuild. 
        This can be quite expensiv. I have an Italian make saxophone from probably 1919. I've had it totally rebuil. It is great. Thing is, once the tech sets the key for precise music, it probably won't move. A tech knows, some horns move on their own (out of adjustment), usually these key mechanisms are from new saxes made in China. You're in a very different place. Try a different technician for an evaluation. He knows saxophones and can give great advice on pads, key placement and where your pads are in terms of life. Good luck, I hope this helps.

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        1. by historicsaxwhisperer
          (644 posts)

          4 years ago

          Re: Information on a Selmer Alexandre Alto Sax: Model# 2018

          And now 16 years later, its even more vintage.

          I doubt he is new to the sax 16 years later.


          I am curious what saxophones go out of adjustment on their own.

          I dont think this is reality. Anyway, this is always a very interesting site.

          It amuses me on a daily basis.

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