Saxophone Forum

by gtaverrite
(2 posts)
5 years ago

Value of my Martin

Good evening all everyone,

I found my old alto saxophone called the Martin.  Not having any idea what it was worth I checked ebay and found a wide range of prices some very high.  So before I look for a buyer I thought I'd ask the experts here.  Overall it's in pretty good shape.  Everything moves and nothing seems dried out.  The picture with the serial number shows the only pitted area on it.  The rest looks fine.  If anyone has any idea of the value I'd appreciate knowing what that is.  Also is it worth more "as is" or should I look to get it refurbished a bit?  Will that increase the value - assuming it's worth a decent amount?  

Please let me know and thank you very much.  


Gary T.

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  1. by historicsaxwhisperer
    (644 posts)

    5 years ago

    Re: Value of my Martin

    Your horn was made in the mid to lat 60s'. Martin as a company was not the great company of previous years. This is pretty much a student level horn with the engraving that mimics the legendary years previously.

    It is still a great horn. I would value it in as is condition at 400 bucks.

    More in the 750 range if it was all dent and ding free with new pads.

    Good Luck

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    1. by gtaverrite
      (2 posts)

      5 years ago

      Re: Value of my Martin

      Thank you for your help Mr. Wisperer.

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      1. by mijderf
        (282 posts)

        5 years ago

        Re: Value of my Martin

        Here is a link to information on this horn.  Looks like it was made in the late 1960's or so.

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