Saxophone Forum

by Dirty_Reggae
(55 posts)
19 years ago

Mouthpeice Question

Hey everyone, its been forever since ive posted here due to wicked busyness. Either way, im playing with a small jazz combo at college and i had a question regarding moutpeices. For anyone whos played or heard a combo, they know the tenor is the dominant sound. Im looking into a moutpeice thats more suited for that. Maybe a metal? Perhaps theres a plastic out there thats just as good? I used to play on a friends Berg Larson that was decent and had a good tone, but i thought id ask the experts before i went out and bought my own. As far as bright vs. dark tone goes, you decide whats better for one tenor player playing in a small combo. Thanks for any help you can give.

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  1. by jamterry
    (573 posts)

    19 years ago

    Re: Mouthpeice Question

    I think the trumpet is as dominant as anyone in a jazz combo. I would compare notes with the trumpet player on how campatible you two sound togrther, and individually. I think that will establish a criteria for what mouthpiece that you use. Bop 'til you drop :)

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    1. by Dirty_Reggae
      (55 posts)

      19 years ago

      Re: Mouthpeice Question

      Nope, no trumpet player. Im the only horn haha. Trumpet would be sick though,

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      1. by barimachine
        (323 posts)

        19 years ago

        Re: Mouthpeice Question

        it is really based on personal preference you obviously have a sound in mind since you seem to know about your dominant sound you want describe it or name some players whose sound you like as for metal pieces yes there are some new metal pieces that are good the standard links are big favorites, but also lawtons yani jody jazz etc. all good metal pieces. BUT the trend of the metal pieces of today are that they are adding a filler to metal so it isnt as full metally causing the actually piece to vibrate more hard to explain so the trend is starting to go back to the good rubber pieces and ebony wood pieces one metal ive been yet to try is the lebayle, branford is playing one of those now or was or something but I still like that piece anyway the better metal pieces IMO are the old metal like NY and flordia links as oppossed to new metal

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    2. by Bunkyodie
      (1 post)

      19 years ago

      Re: Mouthpeice Question

      I also agree that it is really based on personal preference. If you have a sound in your mind of what you want to sound like you make yourself become the dominant sound if you are the leader. Your sound should be able to be flexible to take the lead of be a section player if there are other horns on the gig. Classic mouthpieces are a good start, but newer pieces with the right reed combo offer more flexibility on today's scene. I've been playing for 30 years & have tried many combinations of setups to achive the sound I want. My current setup is Guardala (Brecker Model) with Alexander DC Reeds. This gives me an incredible range of flexibility of different styles for combo, big band & R&B/Funk this I love. Everyone I work with loves the fact that I fit the style of the gig vs being a jazz player on a R&R gig or a Rock sound on a Jazz gig. Always be a team player, yet be yourself and be able to stand out and show your talent when the spotlight is on you!! Remember, life is one big groove so make it swing or make it funky!!!

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