Saxophone Forum

by LiorRon
(3 posts)
19 years ago

Best way to memorize Modes and Chords ?

Hi, By now I know all the Major & Minor Scales, and Triad Chords. I am learning 7th Chords, and also Modes. What is the best way to memorize all the modes and chords that belong to each mode ? This method will be of great importance. Thanks in advance

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  1. by jamterry
    (573 posts)

    19 years ago

    Re: Best way to memorize Modes and Chords ?

    There are two half steps and five whole steps in all the diatonic modes. Half steps occur between E and F, and B and C.

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    1. by jamterry
      (573 posts)

      19 years ago

      Re: Best way to memorize Modes and Chords ?

      Aeolion=2 and 5 Locrian=1 an 4 Dorian=2 and 6 Phrygian=1 and 5 Lydian=4 and 7 Myxolydian=3 and 6

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      1. by jamterry
        (573 posts)

        19 years ago

        Re: Best way to memorize Modes and Chords ?

        Ionian=3 and 7

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        1. by knorter
          (205 posts)

          19 years ago

          Re: Best way to memorize Modes and Chords ?

          I would focus on the similarities between each chord and scale. For example: if you know all your major scales then to learn all of the mixolydian scales only involves changing one note. Lower the seventh scale degree of any major scale down a 1/2 step. C mixolydian would then be C, D, E, F, G, A, Bb, C. Then same relationship occurs between chords if you know all your major seventh chords ex: Cmajor is C, E, G, B (1 3 5 7) of a major scale then to create a dominat scale you lower the seventh a 1/2 step. C, E, G, Bb. You could also look at this chord as being 1, 3, 5, 7 of a mixolydian scale because you already lowered the seventh to get the mixolydian scale. By learning one scale/chord at a time and pairing the scale and chord that are related together things should be easier. Each additional scale usually only involves changing one more note. I relate most chords and scale to how they differ from major scales and chords. Good luck. Kristy

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        2. by peter090
          (155 posts)

          19 years ago

          Re: Best way to memorize Modes and Chords ?

          Trying to memorize which modes "belong" to which chords is I think the wrong way to look at it. In functional harmony the relationship works more like this, the progression of chords defines a key and the key determines the mode. Consider the Dm7 chord in these two progressions #1 CMaj7 Am7 Dm7 G7 CMaj7 #2 BbMaj7 Dm7 Cm7 F7 BbMaj7 Progression #1 is in C and the most obvious choice is D dorian, example #2 is in Bb and the most obvious choice is phrygian. For me, I mainly use the same method as Kristy described, relating things to alterations of the major scale but use I modes when it is convenient. For example locrian (B C D E F G A B) is a lot of alteration to a B scale (b2,b3,b5,b6,b7) and to me is easier to see as C starting on the 7th. Some people seem to prefer this method for everything. The important thing is that you can relate it to the horn.

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        3. by jamterry
          (573 posts)

          19 years ago

          Re: Best way to memorize Modes and Chords ?

          If I had to look at all that stuff, I couldn't make a living. I failed functional harmony with three wives. He's not wrong; he's asking for help. When he says belong, he means play over. On my last session i was asked if I could freak freely :) There are many ways to say improvise. i break this down into vertical (chord spelling ), and linear (modal) improvisation. This stuff is all great except that the only way to lay it down is with practice. :)

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      2. by kelsey
        (930 posts)

        19 years ago

        Re: Best way to memorize Modes and Chords ?

        If you know all the Major and Minor Scales you know the modes already. Example: C major scale is CDEFGABC, the D dorian scale is DEFGABCD, same notes different starting place. All other modes work the same way starting on different degrees of the scale...Good Luck
        Barry Kelsey

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      3. by BariSaxplyr
        (35 posts)

        19 years ago

        Re: Best way to memorize Modes and Chords ?

        hey, im kind of a theory nerd myself and i have all my scales DOWN. what i did was just be able to say them all. IN other words, a fwe minutes a day i would recite all my major scales up and down. I did that for about 3 months. After that i would quiz myself on every mode and from every key. Once you learn a diatonic major scale, and the difference between that scale and a mode, you can build them in your head. Also, write it out every chance you get. Build chords with the modes and listen to modal music. Once you get the sound in your head, and the notes from the paper you'll start to gain a deeper understanding of the modes and various scales.

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