Saxophone Forum

by YanagisawA-901
(312 posts)
19 years ago

Spring Pieces

alright, christmas concerts behind us, and a spring concert, for some of us an adjudication and other events ahead, what pieces of literature are we looking at? i have no idea what songs were going for right now we havnt even came back from christmas break yet. theres a lot of talk of playing a few hank levey tunes.. a lot of you, if not most of you, probably have no clue who he is.. he was a composer who was a close friend to the schools.. he completely redefined, along with many other composers, what some people thought was normal. he loved weird meters.. 9/4... 12/4...5/4... gives a completely different feel to a song.. we really want to strive to play a few of his tunes this year.. other that, ill keep you posted

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  1. by karebear1012
    (395 posts)

    19 years ago

    Re: Spring Pieces

    well our band is going to California this spring to perform at disney land!!! (I'm in Massachusetts) So that'll be fun. All that we really have so far for our spring lineup is the English Folk Song Suite. However, we do have Abram's Pursuit (GREAT song), which we might play again in Cali. In the Wind Ensemble, we do a ton a sight reading, so one never really knows

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    1. by sax78016
      (6 posts)

      19 years ago

      Re: Spring Pieces

      Our school is playing Pablo and Silver Crest

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      1. by straightj23
        (103 posts)

        19 years ago

        Re: Spring Pieces

        Our band is playing: -Fire -The Light Eternal -On Eagles Wings and a piece we had commissioned for us: -Cantus Jubiliante

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        1. by MavisDavis
          (21 posts)

          19 years ago

          Re: Spring Pieces

          our band: Pine River Trilogy The Darkness is Always Soft

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        2. by KingNecron
          (76 posts)

          19 years ago

          Re: Spring Pieces

          1.) Van Halen's "Panama." 2.) Meat Loaf/Jim Steinma's "Bat Out of Hell" 3.) Styx's "Grand Illusion" 4.) Rock Opera 1.0 Movement 1.) Intro Movement 2.) Magnum Opus Movement 3.) Grand Finale Just kidding, kids. Good luck with your spring!

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