Saxophone Forum

by CountSpatula
(602 posts)
19 years ago

Metal mouthpiece help.

Eh, I need a few inputs or suggestions on mouthpieces. The metal i have now is a D8 Dukoff, and I looked around and I heard about the Beechler Bellites and Berg Larsen mouthpieces, anyone share info about how good they are? I'm really looking for a bright bright sound.

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  1. by Dark Eyes
    (138 posts)

    18 years ago

    Re: Metal mouthpiece help.

    I happen to really enjoy the Beechler Bellites. I use a #110 opening on my tenor and I get an excellent sound from it. It can play very contemporary stuff as well as subdued ballads. I have also used it in numerous swing sessions. I use LaVoz reeds that are medium in strength and have recently learned that this is the exact set-up that contemporary artist Gerald Albright uses. I don't like many of his songs although he is an excellent improviser with a t-die-for sound. Most of his albums are crud but I really enjoy "Live at Birdland West". Use samples from this CD to determine what your sound could be like but remember that everybody's sound is different. I might also mention that it might take a while to get use to the set-up if you go for it. :)

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    1. by CountSpatula
      (602 posts)

      18 years ago

      Re: Metal mouthpiece help.

      err sorry but i posted this 2 months ago, i got a mouthpiece im happy with now. RPCs work wonders... Thanks for the input though=)

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  2. by blackfrancis
    (396 posts)

    19 years ago

    Re: Metal mouthpiece help.

    A Berg with a 0 chamber will be very bright. The thing with Bergs is that their quality has been a little "spotty" over the years. I've had some really good ones and they work well for me. Others to consider are Vandoren Jumbo Java, Runyan Quantum, (older) Brillhart Levelair (these can sometimes be had for peanuts) or try putting a baffle in a Link STM. You can make them really bright but still kind of "Linky".

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    1. by MarkLavelle
      (300 posts)

      19 years ago

      Re: Metal mouthpiece help.

      No experience with the others, but I heartily agree about the brightness of the Vandoren Jumbo Java...

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      1. by CountSpatula
        (602 posts)

        19 years ago

        Re: Metal mouthpiece help.

        I have a jumbo java but I dont really like the way it is its just something about it, but I prefer my dukoff over that. And what do you mean put a baffle in it? I know what a baffle is just how can you put one in? Thanks for the help.

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        1. by blackfrancis
          (396 posts)

          19 years ago

          Re: Metal mouthpiece help.

          Get some epoxy putty (or dental wax if you want to try different configurations without it being too permanent). Starting about 1/3 of an inch from the tip, just make a "speed bump". Even it up and smooth it out withh sandpaper and presto! The higher you make it, the more edge. It's a balancing act between edge and a loss of balls (TONALLY speaking).

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        2. by moonpioneer
          (17 posts)

          18 years ago

          Re: Metal mouthpiece help.

          i agree abou tthe balls totally you gotta really listen to it and dont over do it or you ll get fired.. play on a metla with about a 7 sound 8 is mad ness and causes way to much balls

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      2. by TONY HOLLY
        (10 posts)

        18 years ago

        Re: Metal mouthpiece help.

        I've been blowing the same Berg for nearly 50 years and its fabulous. It's an 110/2. I believe the company changed hands some years ago and I heard the new breed were'nt so good. Dunno if thats true or not.

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        1. by CountSpatula
          (602 posts)

          18 years ago

          Re: Metal mouthpiece help.

          Wow this thread was made a month and a half ago XD 110 tip opening...thats so huge for me haha im using 85 or 80. But yeah, Ber larsens now days suck...vintage good but expensive

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          1. by connsaxman_jim
            (2336 posts)

            18 years ago

            Re: Metal mouthpiece help.

            I wouldn't say that they suck, but vintage Bergs are much better. Rather than buy a vintage Berg, take a look at the Jody Jazz mouthpieces. They are also pricey, but they are fantastic mouthpieces. Have you tried an Otto Link Super Tone Master metal? They are still a great mouthpiece for the money.

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