Saxophone Forum

by RoYrOy
(51 posts)
18 years ago

I have tuning problems because I changed my mouthpiece

Recently I decided to change my mouthpiece because my old one just wasn't giving me the sound I wanted. I switched from a Bari WTII metal mouthpiece to a Selmer Soloist Short Shank C*. I'ts been refaced and opened up, and I just love the sound I get from it, but I can't seem to tune it very well. I've already found the point on the neck where I get best tuning now it's only a matter of time of getting used to it, does anybody know any good intonation exercises for this type of problem. I currently play a Yamaha YS-62 with Vandoren 3 1/2 reeds.

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  1. by odedtzur
    (19 posts)

    18 years ago

    Re: I have tuning problems because I changed my mouthpiece

    see my post on vintage saxophone: mouthpiece to cork. (it's no. 14)

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  2. by squibcake
    (4 posts)

    18 years ago

    Re: I have tuning problems because I changed my mouthpiece

    Hi, not sure if this will help, but I had a similar experience when I switched from my Beechler to a Guardala King. I found that the higher notes were sharp in relation to the lower notes an octave down. It turned out that the reed I was using was too soft for the mouthpiece, so I just bought a harder reed and everything turned out great.

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