Saxophone Forum

by JimF
(9 posts)
18 years ago

Warm-Up Routine

Hello everyone, I am a middle aged man and have been seriously studying and taking lessons on the tenor for a year now. Can anyone suggest a good wam-up routine to incorporate into my practice sessions? Your input is greatly aooreciated. Thank you. Jim

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  1. by stutrane
    (15 posts)

    18 years ago

    Re: Warm-Up Routine

    Wow, that's one awesome warmup routine, that would take me ages! I have a trimmed down version, where I play 10 minutes of long notes or overtones (vary day to day), 5 minutes of articulation exercises, 10 minutes of scales (1 or 2 types changing every day through a specified list, 12 keys) with a sustained tonic chord on piano, 5-10 minutes of patterns or arpeggios and 5-10 minutes of improv on a standard, aiming to nail the changes. I try to get to this every day, then, if I have time, I do my practice on whatever I'm looking at, before doing my doubles practice. It's enough of a routine that if I don't have anymore time in the day, around gigs, teaching and rehearsals, it at least keeps my in shape. I think whatever warmup you decide on should be a balance between covering everything you need to cover and time available- if you warm up for half an hour, then practice your stuff for 15 minutes because you've run out of time, why warm up for so long?

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  2. by barisax999
    (400 posts)

    18 years ago

    Re: Warm-Up Routine

    check out Jacke McLeans book of daily warm up exercices. i dont remember the exact title, but its something along those lines

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  3. by kelsey
    (930 posts)

    18 years ago

    Re: Warm-Up Routine

    My warm up consist of the following. Long tones Scales in 12 keys and all modes of each scale cromatic scale, then seconds in cromatic order all major key thirds, fourths and fifths diminished scales all keys, wholetone scales all keys all chords of each key extentions of all dominant 7 chords all keys extentions of all major 7 chords all keys all pentatonic scales I do it all pretty fast and can finish in about 30 minutes, then comes working on tunes. I'm sure there are better warm ups but this seems to work for me. If I am not playing alot of gigs to keep my chops up, this warm up at least keeps me gig ready. You may only be able to do the long tones and some of the major scales to begin with. Just keep adding stuff and keep practiceing......Kelsey
    Barry Kelsey

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    1. by Stiles B
      (101 posts)

      18 years ago

      Re: Warm-Up Routine

      Kelsey, you are a real hammer. Very dedicated. My warm-up consists of getting the reed wet and then visiting with the waitresses. That's just a joke. I don't want to impart any bad habits to the younger horn players out there. Yeah, I'm a real role model, I am. Actually before a gig I will play some long tones and then run some chromatic patterns. I also like to run some pentatonic patterns and some bop scales and phrases. Before I practice, I usually just go for it. I'm tired, hate to practice, and lack discipline. Sax Gods, have mercy on this old charge.

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      1. by kelsey
        (930 posts)

        18 years ago

        Re: Warm-Up Routine

        I have to work because I feel I'm only as good as my last gig. I do all of that warmup by memory, then do another hour and a half working on tunes. I will gladly admit to being dedicated. Not so much as some others perhaps. After my family, music is my life. I don't care to be a role model. I don't care how well anyone else can play. I only want to be as good a player as I can be......Kelsey
        Barry Kelsey

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        1. by golferguy675
          (600 posts)

          18 years ago

          Re: Warm-Up Routine

          Kelsey, I will admit, that is a very thurough warm-up routine, but do you think all of that is really necessary? Is playing the same thing over and over everytime you practice going to make anything better? I mean really, for a warm up routine, you've got a better part of a practice session in there. If anything, you could burn yourself out. I've talked with a lot of big time pros that don't do that much. Anywho, I guess if you feel that's what you need, it's not my business. ; ) My warmup usually consists of playing through a few exercises like triad pairs, or playing around with arpeggios, just something with patterns. After that I usually play through a couple of etudes. I like the etudes in the back of Walt Weiskopf's book, and the Dan Higgins book. The whole point of a warm up is to get my fingers moving and my ears open, so I can practice effectively.

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        2. by kelsey
          (930 posts)

          18 years ago

          Re: Warm-Up Routine

          The better I get the more work I have to do just to maintain what I have. Playing the same thing over and over, keeping everything even, keeps me in top form. The warm up to me is most important part of the practice session. Working on tunes is the fun part. It's very hard for me to get better. The more I know the harder that next level is. Playing a horn is my full time job. Most people work at least eight hours a day on their job. On the days I have a gig I'll just play the Horn enough to make sure I have a good reed, and the horn is in good working order. I only play 100 gigs or so a year. On days I don't have to perform I'll practice 2 to 3 hours. This is less time spent than if I had a day job.......Kelsey
          Barry Kelsey

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        3. by Stiles B
          (101 posts)

          18 years ago

          Re: Warm-Up Routine

          OK, Kelsey, you've piqued my interest. Judging from where you're based, I do imagine that there quite a few opportunities to gig. Do you tour, play locally, work at a jingle house, record for anyone? I would like to check out a website or recording of you as you sound like a player. (That's a good musician, kids)

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        4. by kelsey
          (930 posts)

          18 years ago

          Re: Warm-Up Routine

          Although it's a pretty commercial check out It's under EZ Street Band at the site. It has a biography and MP3s If you can sit through the vocals, which are also me, you'll hear some sax as well as flute. Also check out my sons site
          Barry Kelsey

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        5. by Seano
          (132 posts)

          18 years ago

          Re: Warm-Up Routine

          That's a pretty intense warm-up Kelsey! I might start doing that (once I master those broken 4ths/5ths, driving me nuts) Sean

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        6. by kelsey
          (930 posts)

          18 years ago

          Re: Warm-Up Routine

          You seem to have the right attitude for playing jazz. Just hang in there and be the best you can........Kelsey
          Barry Kelsey

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        7. by Stiles B
          (101 posts)

          18 years ago

          Re: Warm-Up Routine

          Very nice, Kelsey. Although I was hoping to hear you stretch a bit, I guess that's kind of the limitation on these audio samples. Besides, I play the corporate gigs too and I know that the folks aren't there to hear me run the changes. But great sound; I'm certain that the younger folks on this site could learn a lot from you. Stiles

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        8. by kelsey
          (930 posts)

          18 years ago

          Re: Warm-Up Routine

          Stiles, you must be a player too. You understand what you have to do to make money playing music. Those Mp3s are meant to get us the gigs. When we are playing the actual gigs the vocals are only used if requested and out comes the real jazz tunes. By the way, I don't think a lot of the younger players are ready to learn from anybody. If you want to hear me play just go into, go to the contact page, let me know who you are, I will be happy to send our CD with full lenth solos to your address. I would also like to hear you play......Kelsey
          Barry Kelsey

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