Re: Saxophone Effects
If you think that my puropse behind posting in the thread is to try to make myself look smart, then you are entirely to cynical for your own good. I post here to interact with others who share a similar interest(saxophone?), not to argue, and not to talk down to others, and not to talk to bitter people like yourself.
You have students? Based on what I've seen from you in this and another thread, I have a hard time believing you could be a very good teacher. No matter how much you know, you have to be kind and nurturing, or no one is going to want to go through the learning process.
What was the purpose of your last post? Just wondering? To get the last word? To make me look stupid? There was no information of valuable input, just you trying to make me look like a jackass.
If the whole point of this was "to share some tips", that's what I was doing too. I guess if you start another one of these threads, just say "no additional input is invited". If by posting additional input into a thread you think someone is trying to look smart, then you are a very pessimistic person.
Have a nice day!
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