Saxophone Forum

by r2wiseguy
(2 posts)
18 years ago

Ranking YAMAHA

Hi...29 years old, looking to start playing and to buy a Yamaha. Does someone have a quality/price range for Yamaha models?! From what I have read, the Merano brand to start..not good?? THX

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  1. by newreedsyndrome
    (343 posts)

    18 years ago

    Re: Ranking YAMAHA

    Check out Woodwind and Brasswind ( They've got some great deals on new saxes. With Yamaha, the higher the number, the better the horn. The YAS-23 is they're student line alto, and the YAS-875 is they're top of the line horn. How much are you looking to spend?

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    1. by r2wiseguy
      (2 posts)

      18 years ago

      Re: Ranking YAMAHA

      Thanks for the respnse! The site has 65 choices of Altos, but to be honest, I want to keep teh price pretty moderate until I get a little mre comfortable...say under $500...any advice as which "beginner" saxes offer the most to start off?! Thanks in advance...Prelude by Conn-Selmer Alto Saxophone, Woodwind TGS-322L , Armstrong Model 3000 Alto Saxophone (Used B Stock, and the Barrington Model 301 Alto Sax had some pretty good reviews..any comments?

      Reply To Post

      1. by newreedsyndrome
        (343 posts)

        18 years ago

        Re: Ranking YAMAHA

        The Selmer Prelude might be a good choice. A Yamaha YAS-23 is a great beginner horn.

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      2. by mosee
        (1 post)

        17 years ago

        Re: Ranking YAMAHA

        which one did you buy in the end? How's the saxophone's performance?

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        1. by chalazon
          (547 posts)

          17 years ago

          Re: Ranking YAMAHA

          you're going to have a hard time finding any horn worth anything for under $ might look for a used '23. Yamahas are hands down the best student horns, and rank among the top of the pro's. But, ya get what ya pay for. Just stay away from the chinese horns..they really ain't makin' it yet.

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