Saxophone Forum

by BassSaxMonster
(5 posts)
17 years ago


Ok, I'm now very interested in a new saxophone. Price is an issue. I've heard good things about STEPHANHOUSER. Good horn for the money, Yes, No?? Anyone else played these?

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  1. by newreedsyndrome
    (343 posts)

    17 years ago


    You want a screamer, check out Keilwerths, King Super 20s, maybe some old Conns (alto - 6M, tenor - 10M, they both play with HUGE sounds). What I've seen happen with Stepanhauser horns is that they fall apart fairly soon after being purchased, and the intonation is atrocious. What is your price range?

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    1. by BassSaxMonster
      (5 posts)

      17 years ago


      Thanks a lot for the advice. But, when you tried a Stephanhouser (I'm assuming you tried one if you say the intonation is bad), how long ago was it? Because, I've read a lot about how they used to be like that, but then over the years they devolped a big improvement. My price range is about 2,000 bucks; so If I were to go with a Keilwerth it would have to be the EX90.

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      1. by newreedsyndrome
        (343 posts)

        17 years ago


        I've a student who plays one made in 2006. And everey one of these horns Ive come across have had the same problems. Also, the makemanship is really bad, (weak springs, lousy pads, soft metal on the key rods, etc...). Maybe a Cannonball? Them, I have seen some good stuff out of. Also, look at Conn 6Ms. THey might be vintage, but they SCREAM.

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      2. by BassSaxMonster
        (5 posts)

        17 years ago



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