Saxophone Forum

by JazzyWolf
(1 post)
17 years ago

Proud New Mama...

Hey everyone! Well, I broke down and I bought a Selmer TS500 tenor after not having touched a sax since high school... let's suffice it to say our 20 yr reunion has come and gone. Someone said playing is like riding a bike but so far I'm not having that experience. In high school I played oboe in the concert band, alto sax in jazz band and tenor sax in marching band and I swear I don't remember playing being hard at all! Any advice to make relearning a bit easier? I do look forward to making new friends here. Blessings, ~wolf

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  1. by chalazon
    (547 posts)

    17 years ago

    Re: Proud New Mama...

    take a deep breath, relax and be's a process..try to do some minutes kind to yourself..enjoy the little successes that you do have..ain't it great that you can do this at all? You'll get it..

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    1. by cuber
      (653 posts)

      17 years ago

      Re: Proud New Mama...

      there are no short-cuts. practise is the answer to everything (well, most things) and anyway, if there were shortcuts, us sax players would have taken them already

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