Re: what do you think is the best tenor sax
There are many fine tenors new and vintage available. The best is an opinion based on somebody's concept of sound and resistance. What one player may like another may not. some like more resistance and darker core tone, some want less resistance and a brighter core tone.
In vintage horns, selmer mark VI's are the standard for a modern tone and ergonomics, Conn for a darker sound.
Any pro level horns from the big four, Yamaha, Selmer, Keilwerth, Yanigisawa, could be consideerd the best.
Inderbiden makes a hand made sax for about $ 10,000.
There are some very good imports being made today. Most are copies of one selmer or another or based upon selmer's design and improved from there.
Some players adore their Mauriat's, Cannonballs and other various imports.
I play Saxgourmet horns designed by Steve Goodson and imported from Taiwan. His horns are his original designs.
My horns play easier, more in tune, and sound better than any I have played before.
Bottom line, have a budget in mind, and try as many as you can in that price range. See what YOU like.
You will not find a new pro level horn in sound and quality for much less than 2K unless it is a distress sale.
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