Looking for new classical mouthpiece
Hey this is my first post on here so i hope i'm doing this right.
im 17 and a pretty successful high school player i would say.
i plan on going to college and majoring in music performance and hopefully going on to get a masters degree and teach saxophone.
but back to the subject, i play on a Selmer SA 80 Ser. 2, with a vandoren optimum ligature, and a selmer C* currently, and im looking for a new classical mouthpiece. im interested in the new selmer soloist mouthpieces. if you could give some views on those as well as some suggestions on mouthpieces to try, that would be great
my biggest draw back is my bright tone, i cant seem to get rid of it, so im looking for a very dark mouthpiece to go a long with all my work on darkening my tone.
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