Saxophone Forum

by Takaota
(1 post)
15 years ago

About Mouthpiece for c-melody sax and Pitches

Hi. I am a new c melody sax player. Please tell me your experience about mouthpiece and pitches. I have just gotten Holton C melody sax. Also I got a metal mouthpiece for tenor called "guy hawkins" The pitches C3 to B3 are ok. But from C4 to upper pitches, they are totally out of pitches. C4 and C#4 is not even half note(less than half). and I can't even make sound from C5 to upper pitches. Is this caused by using tenor mouthpiece? Should I use original holton mouthpiece to have the best one? Or new C melody mouthpiece works as good as it's supposed to be? I understand I got a vintage sax, and need to work on pitches with throat stuff. it is impossible to control with throat in my situation. if anyone has some experiences or holton users, I would like to have your adivise. Best Regards

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  1. by bulldoggy2
    (2 posts)

    15 years ago

    Re: About Mouthpiece for c-melody sax and Pitches

    I also have a Holton C melody sax. I use two mouthpieces: a classic Selmer tenor metal jazz "D" mpc, and a Bill Street "6" mpc. On either I use a 2 1/2 tenor reed. Altough either mpc makes the old Holton sing out. I find the Bill Street mpc is superior by far.

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