Saxophone Forum

by kelsey
(930 posts)
13 years ago

Mark Vl

I have a Mark Vl Alto I bought new in 1973 or 74?? Serial number is 233XXX. My question is, the list of Selmer Mark Vl serial numbers on the internet says my Alto is a MarkVll??? But it says Mark Vl written on the horn....?? It's all original lacquor and just had a complete overhaul by Gary Underwood in .has Roo pads and metal resonators....I don't play it anymore. Tenor is mt main axe!! If I were to sell it now what's it worth??......Barry Kelsey

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  1. by kelsey
    (930 posts)

    12 years ago

    Re: Mark Vl

    It's a great horn, I guess I'll keep it..........:)

    Barry Kelsey

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    1. by Saxquest
      (420 posts)

      12 years ago

      Re: Mark Vl

      Hi Barry-

           Yes, indeed........keep it! I've played some Mark VI altos in this vintage that were as good as any Mark VI ever made. Intonation is typically really good and some in the late 200xxx range have a killer core sound!

           As for value, right now, you're probably be looking at $3500-$4500 depending on details of condition. It sounds like you have a great overhaul, so I'd shoot for the higher range in trying to sell. That beeing said, keep it if you can!!!

           Mark Overton

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