Saxophone Forum

by saxjamin
(1 post)
12 years ago

Otto Link "Double Ring" or "Double Line" tenor mp model info?

I recently got this great Otto Link STM Double ring/line tenor piece. It's a 5* with the serial # H3 on the side. Just wondering if anyone might know what approximate year it was made and any other info about it. I've read several places that Coltrane played a 5*. Just curious if he would've played a Double at some point.. Any expert info would greatly appreciated!


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  1. by GFC
    (842 posts)

    12 years ago

    Re: Otto Link "Double Ring" or "Double Line" tenor mp model info?

    The museum page on this site has good historical information and pictures of earlly Links.  There's also an official Otto Link museum online that you can search for.

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