Subcontrabass saxophone?
Perhaps you should do some more research... The Tubax is the same design as the "Saxophon Bourdon" designed by Adolph Sax only with more wraps than Adolph's original design. I own a Tubax pitched in Eb and have played the Tubax pitched in Bb. They are both very playable, and definitely saxophones, though their designs are not standard. They are somewhat reminiscent of the saxophones made before Adolph Sax changed the design to the standard which we know today. As you may or may not know, the saxophone was originally an Ophicleide with a Bass clarinet mouthpiece attached. (For pictures of the Ophicleide visit However, in the later 1800s he changed the design to the one which we know today. I believe there are only four saxophones in this "original" design know to exist, one of which is the Baritone saxophone pitched in the key of F. (For a direct link to a picture visit
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