Saxophone Forum

by sbn567
(7 posts)
10 years ago


I need help speeding up my vibrato.

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  1. by kelsey
    (930 posts)

    9 years ago

    Re: Vibrato

    Listen to recordings of your favorite sax players, use your jaw not your breath to make the vibrado. Just copy your recording.



    Barry Kelsey

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  2. by getjamming
    (4 posts)

    9 years ago

    Re: Vibrato

    For slow vibrato - think TOO-WOO-WOO etc (triplets)
    For a faster vibrato think TEE-WEE -WEE-WEE etc. (semiquavers)
    Start slowly and gradually build the speed up.
    Work with a metronome - slowly at first (four notes per beat for faster patterns) and gradually increase the tempo.
    You are creating slight fluctuations in pitch by using slight changes in jaw pressure.
    The goal is to create an eveness in the vibrato which will come with practice. 
    Hope this helps.
    Best of luck!

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