Saxophone Forum

by YanagisawA-901
(312 posts)
20 years ago

The 80 millionth growl post..

how do u growl?? my sax teacher completely raped my sax the other day playing along with my friend teaching him to improv to a rock type of jazz song.. he told him to scream out his high E, and he just played it loud.. so my sax teacher al proceeded to wail the hell out of this E growling it and bending it all around and moving around the can hear somthing like growlling or humming inside of him and hes puttin a lot of effort, and it sounds like pain, into it.. what exactly do you need to do to growl?? and how long does it take to get it down good?? what are some exersises that will help develop it?? i was amazed when he started completely voilating my sax and i wanna learn how to do it..haha

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  1. by Spike
    (248 posts)

    20 years ago

    Re: The 80 millionth growl post..

    if you know it's the 80 millionth, just read the other 79,999,999!!!

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  2. by k.o. kid
    (14 posts)

    20 years ago

    Re: The 80 millionth growl post..

    Christie said how to do it...just hum and blow, dude! Try humming the same note you're playing. It takes a little practice to really get it down pat, but's it not that hard. Try it out and let us know how it sounded!

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    1. by InstantLunch
      (30 posts)

      20 years ago

      Re: The 80 millionth growl post..

      What happens when your humming range only goes up to middle c? I've gotten growling down pretty good on notes below c, but I can't go any higher than that.

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      1. by k.o. kid
        (14 posts)

        20 years ago

        Re: The 80 millionth growl post..

        you don't necessarily have to hum the note you're playing. Try humming any note, blow hard, and keep going up the scale.

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        1. by zoot
          (21 posts)

          20 years ago

          Re: The 80 millionth growl post..

          Scream into your horn. Don't try to hum because when u just sing u mouth has already formed a seal on the mouthpiece so it's like ur humming. This helped me cause it was just a different perspective.

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        2. by saxfortega
          (9 posts)

          20 years ago

          Re: The 80 millionth growl post..

          One word-didjeridu-the only decent thing Aussies have ever invented, failing that get a 4-5cm plastic tube over 1/2 a metre long, FAILING that just play a low, easy note like an alto E. To practise the growl just open your mouth (without the sax preferably alone) and make a low, guttural noise, don't shape your lips at all. Now do this on the instrument, pretty quickly you'll be able to growl with ease.

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        3. by barimachine
          (323 posts)

          20 years ago

          Re: The 80 millionth growl post..

          aussies... have created many musical things such as the superior ear training of the aboriginee people who are some of the few that could hear and recognize the properties of quarter tones

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        4. by saxfortega
          (9 posts)

          20 years ago

          Re: It's just personal

          Quarter tones, really, where'd you learn that? ...but all that knowledge and they aren't even legally recognised as separate from the fauna (i.e. not human) until about the 70's. My biased reference is mere trans-Tasman rivalry. See I'm from Aotearoa (NZ) and largely because of sporting events, most important cricket (honestly cricket-the most boring of all major team sports) a joking sense of the other land's inferiority has been created, similar to USA vs Canada, or UK vs Ireland. For example, they call us "the black sheep of the family" or "sheepshaggers" (totally untrue) we make fun of them as being stupid (like dumb blonde jokes, English of the Irish etc.) or rascist (these are mostly not true). By the way what is with the USA's fascination with the Aussies, I know the're one of the few major nations in the "Coalition of the Willing" but that doesn't mean that a man who runs around in shorts catching crocodiles should be given his own movie, have you heard the accent-it's ridiculous! Back to music-Australia is actually pretty important to many Kiwi musicians, as New Zealand only has a popn of 4 million (just this year). For example if I ever became famous I would probably not make a lot of these jokes as I would be losing part of my audience. So where are you guys from?

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