Saxophone Forum

by Napoleondynamitee
(1 post)
7 years ago


Which ligatures do you all use? I am a classical sax player using a vandoren optimum ligature. This is sort of a poll to hear different opinions on ligatures and which one you each consider the "best." I would like to hear opinions on the Ishimori ligature as well. Thanks! 

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  1. by bjroosevelt
    (47 posts)

    7 years ago

    Re: Ligatures

    Hey, I’d like to find out if anyone out there spends much time changing out their ligature to see which one works best?  IMHO it is the hardest thing to change out on the sax.  It was a nightmare when I changed from a metal to a soft ligature.  New reeds are far easier to get used to.  Switching between a Conn and a Selmer horn is easier to get used to.  Yikes!

    I like a Jazz sound, so my ligature review would not be insightful. 

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    1. by historicsaxwhisperer
      (644 posts)

      7 years ago

      Re: Ligatures

      I have been using the same Selmer Metal ligature on my prized otto link metal mouthpiec, Lew Tabacken style, for the past 38 years.

      A Rovner on my hard rubber link

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  2. by GFC
    (842 posts)

    7 years ago

    Re: Ligatures

    The Rovner Dark ligature gets good press from classical players who seek purity of tone.  For jazz I find the Rovners dull and prefer a pressure plate type lig such as the Francois Louis Ultimate.

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  3. by RavenSax
    (4 posts)

    7 years ago

    Re: Ligatures

    I play both classical and jazz alto sax. For classical, I use a rovner dark ligature and for jazz, I use the ultimate ligature by  francois louis. Personally, I believe that the most important factor for getting a good classical vs a jazz sound is the mouthpiece you use but ligatures are also important. I love the ultimate ligature,as it really helps my tone and control when playing jazz and the Rovner never fails. It really depends on what you like tone and control wise when playing.

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