Saxophone Forum

by InstantLunch
(30 posts)
19 years ago

Easiest way to learn a new piece.

It's that time of year for learning new All County solos, and this year I NEED to get an A on it. In the past, I've just played through the song a million times until I could play it up to speed. I did this with in a week and a half or so before I had a one on one session with my teacher, and I realized that I had been playing certain licks wrong, and it became very difficult to correct them. I always ended up getting massive points off because of this. Is there a better way to learn a new piece? I don't really have the option of playing it with my teacher until mid November, so I'm pretty much on my own. Thanks.

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  1. by Sax Mom
    (964 posts)

    19 years ago

    Re: Easiest way to learn a new piece.

    The best way (I believe) is to take it apart, beat by beat, note by note. Play it while counting in your head (one-ee-and-a) for sixthteenth notes and make everything match up. Take it really slow until you're sure you have the rhythm and the notes right. Don't worry about tempo until you are sure everything else is correct. Then speed it up a couple clicks on the metronome at a time, until you're up to speed. Good luck!

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    1. by SaxAppeal
      (67 posts)

      19 years ago

      Re: Easiest way to learn a new piece.

      I had to work on region band music for auditions lately too. Like Sax Mom said take it slow and get the rhythms down good and make sure there are no wrong notes. Once you get the basic piece down do what i like to call "looping" where you go over a measure so long your hands go numb :P

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