Saxophone Forum

by MHreczuck
(14 posts)
18 years ago

Practice book recommendations?

I missplaced all my college practice books when I bought a house and am looking for some good replacements (besides I had them all memorized anyway). Online searches haven't been very good for telling the level of difficulty, and the local music stores carry just the basics. They can order for me but I don't know what to ask for. I'm an avid player and need some high challenge difficulty level stuff. Jazz or classical or both would be great, books with challenging performance pieces (with piano parts) would be welcome too (my last work was the Glazonouv Concerto to give you an idea of what difficulty I'm looking for) , although at the moment I'm just dying for some good exercises to stay in shape. Got any recommendations?

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  1. by jamterry
    (573 posts)

    18 years ago

    Re: Practice book recommendations?

    I reccomend Marcel Mule'a " Gammes et Arpeges" The "Enseignement du Saxophone" books are all good, but they might be hard to find. The copyright on my books is 1948. I got the books when i was in high school. Translated into English, Gammes et Arpeges means Scales and Arpeggios. I still play the exercises to this day. Jazz you learn from your ear and the excercises will give you the finger dexterity to play it. Your ear and your feelings will compose your licks, and your finger dexterity and technique will enable you to play those licks. Hope it works out :)

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  2. by Radjammin
    (255 posts)

    18 years ago

    Re: Practice book recommendations?

    Ok first off I can't spell so you will have to translate. If yo don't have anything I would suggest Bierbegier (or however you spell it) and for Jazz Charles Byrd Omni Book. Unless you have them both memories, I would suggest refereshing them if you had done them before or if not then they will both be to your expectations.

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