Saxophone Forum

by Tsaxkid
(29 posts)
18 years ago

Keilwerth SX90R

Does anyone know how reliable these saxes are? Aside from the tone hole problem they used to have(fixed couple of years ago), is there anything bad about them? How do they compare to the yamaha 62II and the yanagisawa 992? I am looking for an alto sax that can give a nice mellow but singing tone and can play different styles of music with simple changes such as mouthpiece and reed. Thanks for the info.

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  1. by connsaxman_jim
    (2336 posts)

    18 years ago

    Re: Keilwerth SX90R

    The Keilwerth SX-90R is a fantastic horn, but I wouldn't overlook the SX-90 without the tone rings either. The problem with the tone rings was never as severe as it was made to sound, but Keilwerth has taken extra care to make sure that it is no longer a problem. I believe your chances of being struck by lighting are greater than purchasing an SX-90R with warped tone holes! Compared to the Yamaha and the Yanagisawa, the Keilwerth has a more vintage tone, especially the R. If you are looking for a sax that sounds like a classic 6M, with a more modern feel and features, the SX-90R is as close as it gets. The Yamaha 62II is a great horn, and a great value. The 62 has a nice sound that is very neutral. Depending on the mouthpiece and set-up, they can really scream or sound great for classical. The Yanagisawa has one of the nicest actions. Try them all! See which one you like best!

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