Saxophone Forum

by Delfin Chavez
(2 posts)
18 years ago

Out of tune issue

I just had my Conn 10m overhauled. I use a B&S mouthpiece. Not sure what the facing is. Never had a problem with it and get a nice sound. However, I was getting hell in class from one of my teachers because the horn was playing out of tune. After plenty of finagling with the ligature etc. I got the horn to play in tune. But, could there be other problems associated with an out of tune horn, such as mechanical or otherwise? Could it be something with the overhaul? The overhaul cost quite a bit and I'm hoping this wasn't a rush job. A friend gave me something to think about — would he have given my horn the same attention that he would have given to someone like Sonny Rollns? Hmmm. Kind of like going to a car mechanic, they put on their best face, you pays your money and hope they don't stick it to ya.

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  1. by jamterry
    (573 posts)

    18 years ago

    Re: Out of tune issue

    You can send it or take it Paul Maslin in Chicago. He will never let a horn leave his shop that isn't a player's horn. He will charge you top dollar, but the horn will be right. Terry

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  2. by Bollen
    (39 posts)

    18 years ago

    Re: Out of tune issue

    Tuning is like singing you know? Once you learn where all the "right" notes are in your mouth it'll become a subconscious process. Play a chord on a piano and let it ring while you blow some pretty melodies, think of it as singing and try to feel every note in the back of your throat. Also the best tip I ever got, if one day you find yourself playing very much in tune mark your cork with a pen, I've had my mouthpiece in the same position for 3 years and never a problem. Cheers!

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