Saxophone Forum

by spifster
(67 posts)
18 years ago

Lyon and Healy

I am needing to buy a backup horn for my trip to Europe, and one I bid one was on ebay, a Lyon and Healy sn 10856. I know it is a stencil but i am not sure what of, Conn, Martin, etc., and I was hoping someone on here would know. I can email pics if needed. It has soldered tone holes like a Martin, but the keywork looks more like Conn.

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  1. by connsaxman_jim
    (2336 posts)

    18 years ago

    Re: Lyon and Healy

    Lyon and Healy saxophones are unique. Some of their horns were made by Buescher, some by Martin, and they even built a few themselves. They are a harp maker based in the Chicago area. The company has been in business for many years. They stopped making their own horns due to the costs and limitations due to the size of their factory. They continued to design their own horns, but had Buescher and Martin build thier horns. I think most of their alto and soprano saxophones were made by Martin. They are really good horns and considered professional quality, not a second rate stencil by any means. If you want to send me a pic I'd be happy to take a look. Jim

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