Saxophone Forum

by mega band geek
(60 posts)
18 years ago

Recommend a Bari Case

Hey everyone, its been a while since I've posted here... I'm looking for a new case for my low-A bari. I have a protec now and don't have any major issues with it, but I'd like to find a hardshell case with latches as I'm worried about the zipper breaking. It would be awasome if there was a case that fit all of these things, but I doubt it, so if anyone could recommend a case that fits several of these, thanks! Here's the list: -Hardshell. -Sturdy latches. -Not too bulky/heavy -Storage space for two mouthpieces, two boxes of reeds, a tuner, and a neck strap. Price isn't too much or a problem, with the exception of the BAM bari case, out of my price range. Thanks for any help! -SE

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