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Sax Equipment

Discussions about mouthpieces, reeds, ligatures, etc...

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Selling D.Guardala Tenor Mouthpiece (BM)

Hello fellowsaxophonists, i´m selling a brand new Handmade Guardala Mouthpiece ( Model : Branford Marsalis) Best Mouthpiece…

13 years ago
by Alexmoah (1 post)

Where to find this mouthpiece?!?!?!?

Please been looking for this mouth piece for 3 yrs anyone know where i could find one? Its was made by the Woodwind Company,…

13 years ago
by Stewart_Dreis (12 posts)

Does King 613 have a high F# key?

Does King 613 have a high F# key? If not, which model of King has? Thank you very much.

13 years ago
by Saxquest (420 posts)

Mouthpiece Identification

I have an Elkhart sax that the serial indicates was made in the late 1800s, which I picked up from essentially an estate sale…

13 years ago
by frankyfader (2 posts)

Emperor Alto Sax outfit

Can anyone tell me anything about these Alto Saxophones ? Are they any good junk ...will fall apart etc.. I play 50'…

13 years ago
by cobra_sam (11 posts)

Vintage Selmer Mouthpiece experts and opinions

Hi, I just picked up a short shank Selmer B* tenor sax MP that says Medium underneath the B*. any thoughts? I have a short sh…

13 years ago
by KCHORNS_REPAIR (11 posts)

Old Selmer Soloist Style Mouthpiece

I have an old selmer c* Mouthpiece from the 70's. I did a little research and its a Soloist Style mouthpiece. no replies by TBone55 (5 posts) 13 years ago

13 years ago
by TBone55 (5 posts)

Shaped alto case with musical pattern made by GL Cases

Do you know a case can paint the pattern on it? I have a shaped alto case with musical pattern made by GL Cases. I know they…

13 years ago
by kuei (1 post)

Help me find out about my Guardala Sax!

I have had my Dave Guardala Alto Sax for about 12 years now. It Is a great horn and I have never even thought of replacing…

14 years ago
by Gaurdala sax (5 posts)


Anybody knows this new develloped BA-Sling? Its a mixture between a normal sling around the neck and a slinmg around the brea…

14 years ago
by AntonRoth (4 posts)

Soprano/Mouthpiece advice needed

Hey all, First time poster, long time sax player! I've been playing alto for about 15 years now (dang, time flies!), in whic…

14 years ago
by dgallego (27 posts)

Stand for holding sax while playing it

I have not been able to play for several years due to a bad auto accident that left me partially paralyzed in my hands due to…

14 years ago
by kelsey (930 posts)

Harrison ligatures

I was wondering if anyone out there had any experience with Harrison ligatures. While I was working in a music store, Mr Harr…

14 years ago
by torsax (3 posts)

Mouthpiece for conn 6m VIII

I have the possibility of doing a project with a friend where I need to get my tone as dark as possible. All of my mouthpiece…

14 years ago
by dgallego (27 posts)

Clip on Mics for Saxophones

I have four saxophones. SATB. I need suggestion on Clip-on mics/setups that will support all four of them. The Soprano is cur…

14 years ago
by dgallego (27 posts)

Cases for Conn ^M and 10M-DJH

Can anyone recommend a case to fit these horns? I tried a Protec MAX Contour but it wouldn't close.

14 years ago
by paulevy (2 posts)

Kangaroo Pads?

Anyone heard of these pads? They are grey pads and said to be "the best pads on the market." Anyone have them or know how the…

14 years ago
by tweetycontrabajo (1 post)

DM SharkBite Metal Mouthpiece

So, I am looking to upgrade my mouthpiece ( Doing my Grade 6 Jazz :D) And saw A metal mouthpiece Called A DM Sharkbite for a…

14 years ago
by michealmurray (1 post)

"Meyer 5 Lapped Facing", New York USA, Medium Chamber: Vintage Tenor Mouth Piece

A hard rubber vintage Tenor mouthpiece. Plays well, and in very good condition considering. All of the inscriptions can easil…

14 years ago
by CodyCnvo (1 post)

Master Link

Hello all. I have a Master Link 3 mouthpiece,on which the rail one side is slightly depressed about 2or3 thou preventing a pr…

14 years ago
by chalazon (547 posts)

E. Rousseau JDX , New Classic, and Jazz Studios

are those mpc' good for alto saxophone, and can i have your opinion.

14 years ago
by jjones1 (3 posts)

Alexander Reeds I had heard some thing

14 years ago
by tempomaster (36 posts)

Berg Larsen Vs Lebayle

I am going to buy Berg Larsen or Lebayle mouthpiece. Which one will be better?

14 years ago
by antonio andolini (1 post)


Hello, was it common back in the 1940 `s for musicians to use an alto sax mouthpiece on a Tenor. A coworker brought in an old…

14 years ago
by joe812119 (18 posts)

Mouthpiece for a vintage Buescher True Tone alto?

Hi all, I just recently purchased a Buescher True Tone alto. The Serial is 197xxx. Just wondering if anyone has one, or has…

14 years ago
by Phatoon (1 post)
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