Saxophone Forum |
Sax EquipmentDiscussions about mouthpieces, reeds, ligatures, etc... |
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so, im in the market for microphone for my saxophones. not knowing much about microphones, im wondering if anyone could po |
Question About Bundy Sax - Is It a Kielwerth? Hello, |
I bought a used sax for my son and there was a Bob Dukoff mouth peice in the case. I looked on a museum web page and it sa |
Buying The Best Brand of an Alto Saxophone? Hey there my fellow saxophonists, my name is Sara, Im 13 years old and have been playing the saxophone for almost a year. |
Pro's choice of Mouthpiece & Reed Ok . . . How can I find out what mouthpiece & reed was used by Clarence Clemons , Wayne Shorter , Dave Sanborn & o |
Berg vs. Lakey mouthpieces: any solutions for bari sax? Greetings! I recently switched from a Berg Larsen 115/3 M steel tenor mp to a Claude Lakey 8*3. I absolutely LOVE the Lake |
Hey Everyone, |
Ok, so I recently purchased a vandoren V16 T9 mouthpiece with a Francois Louis ligature (I hope I spelled that right). I p |
I recently purchased two for my Conn Soprano (1924) over the internet. I got them because I want to hear what the saxophone w |
Cannonball Alto Sax Mouthpiece So I've been playing my Cannonball Alto Sax for a while now and I was thinking of changing my mouthpiece to one with a mor |
Unlaquered Cannonball tenor currently on eBay I've been looking for a cannonball tenor for a while for a decent price. I recently found this horn on eBay and I have a f |
1976 Bundy tenor replacement case I recently purchased a Protec Max rectangular case for a 1976 Bundy but the horn doesn't fit [the problem isn't the bell s |
Ok so im looking to buy a new hard rubber jazz mouthpiece for my soprano and am wondering which is better: a bari or an ot |
Selmer Super Action 80? I'm looking to get one of these (I, II or III) for aroun |
tenor sax mpc recommendations sought... hello |
Years back, I received a Mark VI tenor as a gift. The previous owner left a small collection of mouthpieces. I've played t |
Hello everyone i had a couple questions as to how a Selmer 6* metal jazz mouthpiece sounds. Is it very bright? Dark? And w |
Selmer (USA) Liberty Soprano and my TENOR set up. Hello everyone. I'm a new member. I play Trevor James Horn Tenor with an Otto Link 6* and Vandoren V16 grade |
This saxophone was popular in Europe for a time and apparantly people still look for them despite the company being out of |
Metal mouthpiece reviews - alto I have been playing for a few years on alto and am looking to upgrade my mouthpiece. I am currently playing on a Yanagasaw |
Can anyone tell me about this mouthpiece My 7 year old son has started playing a 1950's Martin Indiana sax. In the case we found a tenor sax mouthpiece that |
Want advice buying Alto mouth piece HI, |
Reed suggestions for Otto Link NY 7* Hello everyone. I'm a long-time reader, but first-time poster. So, I think it is customary to give a little background on |
The ligature's function is to hold the reed in place on the mouthpiece - right? I understand there is a certain prec |
Looking to buy a sax for my 4th grader. Is this a decent brand? About how much should I pay? |