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Sax Equipment

Discussions about mouthpieces, reeds, ligatures, etc...

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microphones for a saxophone

so, im in the market for microphone for my saxophones. not knowing much about microphones, im wondering if anyone could po…

11 years ago
by kelsey (930 posts)

Question About Bundy Sax - Is It a Kielwerth?


I hope this post finds everyone well.

I just picked up a vintage Bundy sax and am hoping…

11 years ago
by musicgirl (1 post)

Bob Dukoff

I bought a used sax for my son and there was a Bob Dukoff mouth peice in the case. I looked on a museum web page and it sa…

11 years ago
by bighilbili

Buying The Best Brand of an Alto Saxophone?

Hey there my fellow saxophonists, my name is Sara, Im 13 years old and have been playing the saxophone for almost a year.…

11 years ago
by saxgourmet (127 posts)

Pro's choice of Mouthpiece & Reed

Ok . . . How can I find out what mouthpiece & reed was used by Clarence Clemons , Wayne Shorter , Dave Sanborn & o…

11 years ago
by Haanzig (19 posts)

Berg vs. Lakey mouthpieces: any solutions for bari sax?

Greetings! I recently switched from a Berg Larsen 115/3 M steel tenor mp to a Claude Lakey 8*3. I absolutely LOVE the Lake…

11 years ago
by goldenskyhook

What Alto Sax to buy?

Hey Everyone, 

I am looking to start playing the saxophone and I though I might invest into a good student…

11 years ago
by kelsey (930 posts)

Reed for my Vandoren V16 T9?

Ok, so I recently purchased a vandoren V16 T9 mouthpiece with a Francois Louis ligature (I hope I spelled that right). I p…

11 years ago
by Dr G (2 posts)

Conn Eagle Mouthpiece

I recently purchased two for my Conn Soprano (1924) over the internet. I got them because I want to hear what the saxophone w…

11 years ago
by aarondminnick (1 post)

Cannonball Alto Sax Mouthpiece

So I've been playing my Cannonball Alto Sax for a while now and I was thinking of changing my mouthpiece to one with a mor…

11 years ago
by RyanCannonball (45 posts)

Unlaquered Cannonball tenor currently on eBay

I've been looking for a cannonball tenor for a while for a decent price. I recently found this horn on eBay and I have a f…

11 years ago
by RyanCannonball (45 posts)

1976 Bundy tenor replacement case

I recently purchased a Protec Max rectangular case for a 1976 Bundy but the horn doesn't fit [the problem isn't the bell s…

11 years ago
by joe7red


Ok so im looking to buy a new hard rubber jazz mouthpiece for my soprano and am wondering which is better: a bari or an ot…

11 years ago
by Saxquest (420 posts)

Selmer Super Action

Selmer Super Action 80?

I'm looking to get one of these (I, II or III) for aroun…

11 years ago
by Jamrightthen (4 posts)

tenor sax mpc recommendations sought...


Realizing that whatever I chose will need tech refinishing, WWBW will permit four mpcs at a time--please…

11 years ago
by kelsey (930 posts)

Mouthpiece Advice Needed

Years back, I received a Mark VI tenor as a gift. The previous owner left a small collection of mouthpieces. I've played t…

11 years ago
by GFC (842 posts)

Selmer Metal Jazz Mouthpiece

Hello everyone i had a couple questions as to how a Selmer 6* metal jazz mouthpiece sounds. Is it very bright? Dark? And w…

11 years ago
by kelsey (930 posts)

Selmer (USA) Liberty Soprano and my TENOR set up.

Hello everyone. I'm a new member. I play Trevor James Horn Tenor with an Otto Link 6* and Vandoren V16 grade…

12 years ago
by ollie1959 (2 posts)

TopTone TT25 Vintage

This saxophone was popular in Europe for a time and apparantly people still look for them despite the company being out of…

12 years ago
by jfulkerson

Metal mouthpiece reviews - alto

I have been playing for a few years on alto and am looking to upgrade my mouthpiece. I am currently playing on a Yanagasaw…

12 years ago
by Saxquest (420 posts)

Can anyone tell me about this mouthpiece

My 7 year old son has started playing a 1950's Martin Indiana sax.  In the case we found a tenor sax mouthpiece that…

12 years ago
by GFC (842 posts)

Want advice buying Alto mouth piece

My Wife just bought me a Yamaha YAS26 to go with my tenor, which I have played since 1978.
I have a Berg/Lar…

12 years ago
by Saxquest (420 posts)

Reed suggestions for Otto Link NY 7*

Hello everyone. I'm a long-time reader, but first-time poster. So, I think it is customary to give a little background on…

12 years ago
by tempomaster (36 posts)

Ligature Questions

The ligature's function is to hold the reed in place on the mouthpiece - right?  I understand there is a certain prec…

12 years ago
by tempomaster (36 posts)

Hunter Alto Sax

Looking to buy a sax for my 4th grader. Is this a decent brand? About how much should I pay?

12 years ago
by Jinoreginar (1 post)
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