Arnold Brilhart was one of the first big names in saxophone mouthpieces.  His mouthpieces can be seen on record covers throughout the 40's, 50's and even 60's.  They really began to grow in popularity during the 1940's.

Before launching his mouthpiece career, Arnold Brilhart was a widely known saxophonist who worked in radio and recording studios in New York.  Early Brilhart mouthpieces from the 1940's & 50's are the most sought after.  Any Brilhart mouthpiece that says "Arnold Brilhart Great Neck N.Y." on the shank, under the table is probably a fairly good mouthpiece.

The biggest problem with Brilhart mouthpieces is there are just so many of them out there.  You will always be able to find several Tonalins and Ebolins around for sale, and they can be great mouthpieces, but they are never going to go for big money.  Brilhart mouthpieces also have a tendancy to crack in the shank.  This can be mended, and mouthpieces with a cracked shank can still play great, but it devalues them a great deal having a crack.  Many people worry about buying vintage Brilhart mouthpieces as well because one day it may crack.   

These negatives aside, Arnold Brilhart was a master mouthpiece refacer who managed to sell thousands of mouthpieces during the same time as the Meyer Bros., Otto Link, and Berg Larsen, so he must have been doing something right. 

Some famous musicians who have played on Brilhart mouthpieces:

Charlie Parker - Streamline Tonalin
Stan Getz - Streamline Tonalin
Joshua Redman - Hard Rubber 
Boots Randolph - Velvet Brass

Check out the models below to find out more information on Arnold Brilhart's mouthpieces. 


Arnold Brilhart was one of the first big names in saxophone mouthpieces.  His mouthpieces can be seen on record covers throughout the 40's, 50's and even 60's.  They really began to grow in popularity during the 1940's.

Before launching his mouthpiece career, Arnold Brilhart ...   [more]


Designed by Arnold Brilhart

Years: - (6 specimens)

Great Neck New York

Years: - (3 specimens)

Velvet Brass

Years: - (1 specimen)

Carlsbad Models

Years: - (9 specimens)


Years: - (5 specimens)


Years: - (6 specimens)

Level Air

Years: - (4 specimens)