Keilwerth is a german saxophone manufacturer founded in 1925. Founded by Julius Keilwerth (1873-1962 ), the man the company is named after. The manufacturer origionally began as primarily a stencil manufacturer for other prominant german horn builders; namely Adler and FX Huller. By 1938 the company rose to be the largerst instrument manufacturer in Germany employing 150 workers and exporting 2024 finished horns to 22 countries. Post war, however, the comapny was forced to relocate to Nauheim, Germany. Folowing this the company continued manufacturing horns using the same model designes until 1986. In 1986 Keilwerth hired Jazz saxophonist Peter Ponzol to revamp their horn line for the modern jazz scene. By the end of the 1980's Keilwerth had produced their SX90 line of horns and gained endorcements from some of the biggest names in jazz at the time. From then the company changed hands several times until eventually in March 2010 it was bought by Buffet Crampon.