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Jazz Saxophone

Discussions about playing jazz saxophone

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reeds for jazz

hi, i play a conn 6m, with an otto link super tonemaster 6(metal) with vandoran java 3's and i'm finding that my upper regis…

19 years ago
by CountSpatula (602 posts)

Francois Louis Ligature

Who has played on this ligature? What did you think of it? Do you reccommend it? I am thinking of purchasing one, but firs…

19 years ago
by shermanator5156 (2 posts)

altissimo fingerings

Hey I've been working on some alltisimo stuff, but I only know the fingerings up to g. Can anyone give me the fingerings for…

19 years ago
by Sax Mom (964 posts)

where do Soprano saxes sit in a band?

in a regular concert band with all of the normal instruments, where would a soprano sax player sit? I've always thought about…

19 years ago
by muzikman_wky (17 posts)

Mouthpiece Comments

I was talking to a guy that works for and he asked me some questions and recommended me a certain mouthpiece cal…

19 years ago
by CountSpatula (602 posts)

good unknown players

allright, so i'm gonna ring off some players that you might not know. So look into em, and a comment back on em 1. Chris Pot…

19 years ago
by GzsKerqt (77 posts)

Help about jazz etude books/improv books

I am looking for a good jazz etude book to practice all styles of jazz playing, articulation, style, sight reading, etc. Als…

19 years ago
by jamterry (573 posts)

What is improvising?

okay okay. i know stupid question!!! but i need help. I am going into Jazz this year for the first time and i want to know al…

19 years ago
by Mlenox (36 posts)

Help with hearing chord changes

This is a little bit in the other discussion I started, but I hope this gets a little more specific. Heres my problem...I kn…

19 years ago
by tsax_player (76 posts)

Working in a Trio Fashion (Saxophone, Drums, and Bass)

I've been working for the last two years in a quartet/quintet fashion, and I've been thinking of switching to trio just to tr…

19 years ago
by rumsurfer (7 posts)

A Brick Wall...

I started on altissimo a few months ago, but I have encountered a problem. As soon as I get up to altissimo E, it won't come…

19 years ago
by Tenor_Guru (25 posts)

how many black alto's do you have in ur band

i'm black and i was just wondering NOT that i'm racist or anything but how many black saxes are there

19 years ago
by connsaxman_jim (2336 posts)

how do i get that rich jazz sound

i was wondering how to get the sound you make when your playing up-beat swing or improv

19 years ago
by chiamac (586 posts)

how do i get that rich jazz sound

i was wondering how to get the sound you make when your playing up-beat swing or improv

19 years ago
by jing24 (31 posts)

Bigger Jazz Sound

Hi i'm new to this site I'm 16 years old, i have been playing for 7 years. I have been first alto in my band since grade 10 a…

19 years ago
by diminishedpower (25 posts)

Phil Woods CD Rom

OK---I realize that this question has probably been asked many times before, but since I am fairly new to 'Saxquest' forgive…

19 years ago
by jamterry (573 posts)

Dancing men by Buddy Rich Big Band

Anyone ever heard this song? Is it a good jazz song or is it more funk or funk-rock? It really doesn't sound swing. I'm not s…

19 years ago
by peter090 (155 posts)


dus anyone know where to get free transcriptions off the net? im looking for sumthing to play for a big band audition... any…

19 years ago
by saxitup (49 posts)

Solo or jazz?

Hey I have this really hard thing that i have to learn if i want to get into Jazz band, at the same time i also have this son…

19 years ago
by kelsey (930 posts)

got some new CD's

These cds are wicked tight 1. Dave Holland Big Band- Overtime 2. Bill Evans- Soulgrass 3. Joshua Redman- Momentum 4. Dizzy G…

19 years ago
by kneejerk52 (397 posts)


any help on jazz? I NEED HELP!!!!!!!! I play the bari and i need mega help. dunno anything about Jazz on bari.

19 years ago
by kelsey (930 posts)

Jazz Mouthpieces and reeds

I've been playing sax for quite some while now, but I've only been playing jazz music for about 2 or 3 years. I just have the…

19 years ago
by The_MarkVI (80 posts)

dude-can you say PAIN??????

Hey is it normal for your lip to hurt realy bad after you play for a while? Like yesterday I played for loger than usual and…

19 years ago
by kelsey (930 posts)

Multiphonics question...

Can anyone provide some tips on using multiphonics when playing the alt. F#?? I don't have a problem using the multiphonic on…

19 years ago
by knorter (205 posts)

Clenched Jaw?

I have noticed that lately I have been clenching my jaw when I play. and after just a while like 45 minutes and my jaw is kii…

19 years ago
by Sax Mom (964 posts)
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