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Jazz SaxophoneDiscussions about playing jazz saxophone |
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hi, i play a conn 6m, with an otto link super tonemaster 6(metal) with vandoran java 3's and i'm finding that my upper regis |
Who has played on this ligature? What did you think of it? Do you reccommend it? I am thinking of purchasing one, but firs |
Hey I've been working on some alltisimo stuff, but I only know the fingerings up to g. Can anyone give me the fingerings for |
where do Soprano saxes sit in a band? in a regular concert band with all of the normal instruments, where would a soprano sax player sit? I've always thought about |
I was talking to a guy that works for and he asked me some questions and recommended me a certain mouthpiece cal |
allright, so i'm gonna ring off some players that you might not know. So look into em, and a comment back on em 1. Chris Pot |
Help about jazz etude books/improv books I am looking for a good jazz etude book to practice all styles of jazz playing, articulation, style, sight reading, etc. Als |
okay okay. i know stupid question!!! but i need help. I am going into Jazz this year for the first time and i want to know al |
Help with hearing chord changes This is a little bit in the other discussion I started, but I hope this gets a little more specific. Heres my problem...I kn |
Working in a Trio Fashion (Saxophone, Drums, and Bass) I've been working for the last two years in a quartet/quintet fashion, and I've been thinking of switching to trio just to tr |
I started on altissimo a few months ago, but I have encountered a problem. As soon as I get up to altissimo E, it won't come |
how many black alto's do you have in ur band i'm black and i was just wondering NOT that i'm racist or anything but how many black saxes are there |
how do i get that rich jazz sound i was wondering how to get the sound you make when your playing up-beat swing or improv |
how do i get that rich jazz sound i was wondering how to get the sound you make when your playing up-beat swing or improv |
Hi i'm new to this site I'm 16 years old, i have been playing for 7 years. I have been first alto in my band since grade 10 a |
OK---I realize that this question has probably been asked many times before, but since I am fairly new to 'Saxquest' forgive |
Dancing men by Buddy Rich Big Band Anyone ever heard this song? Is it a good jazz song or is it more funk or funk-rock? It really doesn't sound swing. I'm not s |
dus anyone know where to get free transcriptions off the net? im looking for sumthing to play for a big band audition... any |
Hey I have this really hard thing that i have to learn if i want to get into Jazz band, at the same time i also have this son |
These cds are wicked tight 1. Dave Holland Big Band- Overtime 2. Bill Evans- Soulgrass 3. Joshua Redman- Momentum 4. Dizzy G |
any help on jazz? I NEED HELP!!!!!!!! I play the bari and i need mega help. dunno anything about Jazz on bari. |
I've been playing sax for quite some while now, but I've only been playing jazz music for about 2 or 3 years. I just have the |
Hey is it normal for your lip to hurt realy bad after you play for a while? Like yesterday I played for loger than usual and |
Can anyone provide some tips on using multiphonics when playing the alt. F#?? I don't have a problem using the multiphonic on |
I have noticed that lately I have been clenching my jaw when I play. and after just a while like 45 minutes and my jaw is kii |